Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Prison Term Policy Recommendation Essay

As a realistic matter, it is smart to sustain a bill that addresses a real concern, creates proper use of resources and effectively addresses the problem for which it was intended. It is known that victims of armed robberies want to see the offenders punished. It is noticeable that the public’s desire is to be safe and protected from being a victim of armed robbery. While on the other hand, the legislature must show caution in legislating across the board sentencing and defend discretion for the judicial system to consider the specific aspects that creates each case. â€Å"Yet advocates of deserved punishment argue that it is not automatically evident how intermediate sanctions compare with either prison or probation in terms of severity, nor is it clears how they compare with one another† (Clear, et. al., 2008). For example placing one offender on intensive probation while ordering another to pay a heavy fine may violate the equal punishment rationale of just deserts. Any recommendation should examine the proposed bill and the Criminal Justice System. Fairness is subjective; in spite of this every society will form a series of regulations through which to defend the individuals and society from damage. If an individual violates one of the regulations dictated by culture, there is usually a consensus of what constitutes a suitable punishment. In the United States, we depend on the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in addition to every state’s adoption of the Model Penal Code. Section 1.02(1) of the Model Penal Code instructions the allocation of punishment as â€Å"to safeguard conduct that is without liability from condemnation as criminal† (culpability), â€Å"to provide fair caution of the nature of the conduct confirmed to represent an offense† (legality) and â€Å"to differentiate on logical basis between serious and minor  offenses† (proportionality) (â€Å"Model Penal Code†, n.d.). Here we are referring to ar med robbery. Considered a felony, armed robbery tends to take a large penalty in the majority states. Among the fundamentals measured in determining if a crime has been committed, one must address the diverse levels of culpability and/ or extenuating factors. Armed robbery can be a violent well designed crime otherwise a clumsy half-witted attempt. Eventually a result of guilt must be made, by a predominance of the proof, with competent lawful protection representation offered to the accused. Only after all these necessities are met can a judge proceed with sentencing. These judges must have discretion in considering the above three aspects and weight them accordingly in order to distribute a sentence that is fair and balanced. While the community may desire a representative to be challenging on crime, the community tends to be sympathetic to media stories of criminals who act out of distraction or need. There has been strong resistance to suggestions that delay individual considerations. Beyond the instant punitive effect, punishment can serve the need of removing dangerous people from the society, serve as deterrence to those inclined to commit a crime and potentially reform criminals into law abiding citizens. These societies have also recognized that in order for any corrective act to have its preferred effect it has to fit the crime. Take for instance the cutting off of a hand for someone caught stealing. Most western societies would regard this punishment as too severe and those societies that adopted this practice have come under scrutiny for these practices. Armed robbery has no doubt been addressed within these judicial systems. Sentencing guidelines should always represent fairness in reliability and proportionality. Also consideration needs to be taken into account as to why new policy efforts are being made for this particular crime. Is there a belief that the accessible laws have displayed omissions or errors that must be addressed? Has there been a failure of the justice system in punishment of armed robberies? Are convicted armed robbers being released from prison too early? Do they cultivate to be repeat offenders? Do these crimes tend to rise into murder or other violent felonies? Are there precise instances where the existing laws have failed to serve justice? To decide the practicability of the bill, the discussion of correctional assets would be applicable. The result of this bill regarding  maximum sentencing (as opposed to mandatory minimum sentencing) doubles the correction time for the person who is convicted in the armed robbery. In each specific case, to evaluate suitable sentence and to weigh the severity of the crime, the bill’s full force is to provide more choices to judges and the sentencing board. This bill may not help enforcing the provisions but may supply more choices for the severe cases which deserve more severe punishment. References Clear, T.; Reisig, M.; Cole, G. (2008), American Corrections. Retrieved from Google Books. Model Penal Code. (n.d.). Retrieved from

A Research-Analysis on the Principles of Biomedical Ethics Essay

Introduction â€Å"The uninsured† is a term that is coined to people who don’t posses any form of insurance who primarily include paperless immigrants, minorities, children and or teenagers without insurance, employees of small businesses, people who belong on the lower part of the social strata and also a significant number of the elderly.   In effect, such a group of people suffered a lot in terms of seeking and receiving the health service that is necessary to prolong their lives. Corollary with this, are the disposition of those patients who initially have a health insurance but experience a significant degree of difficulty in terms of having the insurance company subsidize the treatment and or operation that is necessary for their health condition.   Such a problem creates an ethical dilemma on the end of the doctors, patients, insurance providers and also the courts. This research provided various medical cases, biomedical ethics theories, and a number of laws that explained how the uninsured disposition is, the personal and psychological, monetary, and legal issues that they faced. Consequently, the author provided his own interpretation of the cases and significantly relates them on the principles of biomedical ethics and justice.   The research then looked into the basic principles of biomedical ethics: beneficence, non-maleficence, justice and autonomy and other ethical theories such as Utilitarianism and Deontological Ethics, and significantly relate them to the problem of the uninsured based on the literature and cases that were presented. Background of the Problem   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Initially, insurance is something that is only made available to wealthy Americans.   On the turn of the 20th century, there have been two major changes which took effect in terms of how insurances are disseminated.   The rise of the private insurances and the government subsidized insurances has seemed to provide a temporary solution on the problem of inequality in terms of health services.   Such an initiative has caused companies to provide insurances to their employees and by 1950’s almost two thirds of the population already have insurance.   Due to the relative availability and accessibility of the population to insurance, some segment of the population were forgotten, hence the uninsured (Jost 1998, p.106).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Initiatives on the part of the government were introduced in order to solve this problem.   General welfare programs during the 20th century were also introduced in order to cater to the marginalized.   In addition, a New Deal program was also made available to the population living in the rural areas.   On the span of the 20th century, progressive and labor interests asserted the necessity of compulsory national health insurance, but such efforts were hindered by a number of significant and powerful institutions in the country such as various business interests and the medical profession in itself (Jost 1998, p.106). However, the bill that was passed on 1960 which eventually legislated on 1965 paved the way for the establishment of the Medicare and the Medicaid.   Medicare caters to the elderly which insured the hospitalization and other doctor services that are necessary; on the other hand, Medicaid emphasized on the needs of the marginalized and the disabled. The Medicare and the Medicaid resolved all conflicts between the hospitals and the government because of the assurance of monetary funds for those who are insured and the paying of services which are formerly given free or in a reduced fee.   However, critics of Medicare and Medicaid counter argued that such insurances are too costly, hence a new initiative was raised by a physician in Minnesota which is now known as the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) (Jost 1998, 107-108).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The HMO required the consumers to pay a relatively small amount in order to cover for the former and also for his or her families. Such an idea appealed to the government, hence on 1973, the Health Organization Maintenance Act of 1973 was passed.   The managed health care proved to significantly reduce costs , and by 1995, it was estimated that 150 million Americans have their HMOs. However, conflicts between doctors and patients emerged when allegation such as doctors and HMO administrators have created some sort of incentive programs which would make the latter diminish its recommendations for certain medication, treatments, or operations. Such a case paved the way for a direct refusal for the needed medical care, treatment and operations.   In addition, complaints such as delays on the release of authorization and/or funds were also cited (Jost 1998, 109). Review of Related Literature   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kenneth Jost (1998, p. 101-105) posed three major issues with regard to patient rights.   These are: Is it possible for manage-care health plans to make the patients choose doctors who are not included on the plan’s network of physicians? Should the manage health care plans be liable if there be any chance that malpractice is detected amongst their physicians? Is there a necessity for a stronger safeguard be imposed on the patients’ medical records and other related information? Jost emphasized that the dilemma that was brought forth due to the request of some patients to choose their own physicians has been an issue that is very difficult to resolve.   Since the primary purpose of the manage health care plans is to reduce costs, the proposal of each patient to choose their own doctors would pave the way to the further increase of fees amongst the health plans, in addition to the payment that the patient has to shoulder. Some health care plans intentionally limit the number of physicians that the patients can choose from so that referrals for treatment, medication and or operations could be regulated by the company, hence reducing costs and increasing profits.   However, some health care plans allow their consumers to apply for a Point of Service (POS) which will allow them to choose their own doctors; only for an added fee.   In relation with this are some statutory laws imposed by some 30 states for pregnant women, allowing the latter to select an obstetrician that could act as their primary health care provider (p. 101-103). The second issue was with regard to the malpractice that was conducted by in-house physicians, which on a legal perspective makes the physician alone liable to the damages done to the patient and makes the managed-care plans company exempted from the legal repercussions.   The case presented was that of Ron Henson, who died in Kaiser Permanente Hospital and later on sued HMO.   The conflict stem out due to the claim of Mrs. Henson that Kaiser controlled the costs of her husband’s treatment by limiting hospital admission in cardiac cases. The physicians who treated Mr. Henson was employed by Kaiser, hence making the latter liable to the said malpractice.   A suit was then filed against Kaiser which was then settled by the latter for 5.3 million in 1997. However, at present only the state of Texas has such laws regarding the accountability of managed care plans.   Jost also made a point by asserting that when health insurance companies will be made liable to the malpractice that could have been done by their physicians, such could further result to the increase of the fees being collected from their clients (p.103-104). The necessity of privacy and confidentiality of medical records is another important matter that Jost touched into.   The importance of disclosing medical information for the patient’s health purposes alone (Shalala, 1998 as cited from Jost 1998, p.105) and for government use for health and law enforcement has been criticized as further broadening the law for access for medical records.   The proposal set forth by Shalala has been criticized due to favoring the government to have more access to medical records, hence a possible case of invasion of privacy.   However, Shalala have emphasized that such a proposal is only a more clear interpretation of the law that currently exists. The author perceived that Jost (1998) emphasized more on the notion of Justice within the managed health care system and the relation of Autonomy on the notion of Justice. In addition, Jost was able to present a balanced view of the legal issues on managed health care system.   He provided almost all possible dimensions of the issue and allowed the reader to deduce the arguments on their own. The discussion of the laws which is relative to every state makes it difficult to address the legal issues that stem out because of medical malpractice (taking the issue of Mr. Henson for instance).   In addition with this, certain changes from the ways of the health care system defeats the primary purpose of the former which is to reduce costs and make health opportunity available and equal to all people. Such a dilemma between the right to choose or autonomy and the statutory laws which serves as the backbone of most managed health care system becomes very hard to reconcile.   In addition with this, the matters of privacy are something that is in conflict with the principle of autonomy and the greater good (i.e. the principle of utilitarianism). Keith Epstein (2002) has presented the issues of uninsured patients which normally are comprised of young adults (p. 524) and minorities (p.529).   Epstein touched three major issues in which is comprised of the question weather the United States can afford health insurance for all; if Medicare should cover the prescribed medicines for the marginalized senior people; and if small businesses could band together to apply for the insurance of their employees in order to reduce its costs. The fist issue was addressed by Epstein by arguing that since the passing of the Balance Budget Act of 1997, there has been a huge cut back on medical costs.   Medicare has cut on reimbursement and some states have also cut on Medicaid payments.   However, Young (President of the Health Insurance Association of America) as cited from Epstein, claimed that America can do afford insurance for all if it only has the will power.   Young emphasized that the uninsured has already been subsidized due to the increase of costs in insurance payments and also for hospital services because initially, these insurance companies and hospitals are adding up their costs in order to cover for uninsured patients. Solutions in subsidizing the uninsured in terms of taxes are also one of the solutions that he presented (p. 526).   The issue in subsidizing the marginalized seniors’ drug prescription has also been tackled as could be resolved by having the government subsidize a certain percentage of the price by those seniors of having the salary cap of less than $13,000.   However, part of the issue is the lack of funds or the possible soar of the taxes in order to subsidize such a change. The third issue is with regard to the passing of a bill which would allow small companies across states to band together in order to apply for insurance for their employees and consequently to reduce costs.   Such an idea according to Lehnhard, (Blue Cross Senior Vice President) would only provide temporary savings on the end of these small companies because since the associations will not be regulated by the state rules, it is possible that such companies would engage in discriminatory underwriting.   An example that was given is that there might be some cases wherein the program would encourage health people from joining, and unhealthy people from not joining (p.530). The author perceived that Epstein’s essay touched on the use of the existing law in order to apply the principle of justice as fairness.   It could be seen, that the relevance of the law has been the foundation of the arguments which normally appear in conflict with various perceived implications due to the desire to alter the law in order to cater for those percentage of the population who are relatively incapable of securing their health concerns and problems.   The perceived attempts to make the lives of the uninsured relatively better in order to bring forth justice in the form of a fair medical and health treatment has been argued to be a cause that is far fetched because of political will power, unequal allocation of funds and lack of trust to human goodwill. A more recent article which emphasized the relevance of the law in order to cater to the needs of the uninsured is those of Owcharenko (2006).  Ã‚   Owcharenko provided three major recommendations in which the government could do to solve the growing number of uninsured population in the country. The first is to offer the uninsured â€Å"direct subsidies in the form of a refundable tax credit, to lower-income working individuals and families for the purchase of private health care coverage† (p. 95).   Owcharenko emphasized that enormous tax breaks are normally given by the government to those high-earning individuals, rather than to those who have relatively lower incomes. The tax exclusion also provides more generous health care coverage to those individuals belonging in big companies. In addition with this, those people who don’t have any health coverage at all does not enjoy any tax break at all, thus they are left with no choice rather than to use after-tax dollars to purchase their insurance.   Owcharenko emphasized that if a new and robust system of individual health tax credits will be given to low-income families, these people will have the buying power to secure their own private insurance rather than opt to rely to Medicaid which is relatively spread on a small number of population. The Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) that was enacted on 2003 was perceived by Owcharenko as a good program for the government because it allowed people to â€Å"purchased a high-deductible insurance plan to establish a tax-preferred savings account that allows carryover of unspent funds† (Owvahrenko, 2006, p. 96).  Ã‚  Ã‚   This plan however needs certain changes in order to function more proficiently.   Owcharenko focused on the use of the flexible spending account (FSA) and the health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) such according to her would allow patients to exercise more autonomy on choosing their heath care.   Such a step would allow the patients to gain more control on determining the amounts which they want to contribute and significantly decide how they wanted to apply these funds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The recommendation is for the government to allow federal contributions to be used in order to improve the health status of every state.   Consequently, the state should be able to provide a feedback on the effectiveness of their reforms by â€Å"reducing the number of the uninsured, improving access, and remaining fiscally visible†.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The author perceived that the recommendations of Owcharenko (2006) touched on the notion of justice, fairness, and beneficence.   In relation with this, the perception of the author in making the insurance reforms unique in every state will significantly help a lot in terms of reaching a huge number of the uninsured population.   Since the focus of the health reforms will be focused primarily on the individuals on every state, it is more likely that even the people who do not belong on the financial caps that are subsidized under Medicaid will be considered as well.   The marginalized on the other hand will also be given a fair and immediate treatment towards health.   The research of Young et al (2004) focused on the life saving health care of undocumented children.   Undocumented children are offsprings of paperless immigrants which consequently forms a huge percentage of the population for the uninsured.   Undocumented children often times did not have an access to health services as they don’t have any contact to any insurance other than the Emergency Medicaid that was given by the Federal Government in 1986. However, the Emergency Medicaid could only be used in severe cases wherein a patient experiences severe amount of pain (p.1316).   In addition, Medicaid can only pay for a portion of the hospitalization costs, which is why some hospitals needed to seek support either from various organizations or individuals or from the country of the immigrant himself. Such an attempt of some hospitals although noble, may prove to further increase the costs of the treatment because of the delay of the latter.   Young et al. claimed that such prolonging could result to a long-term morbidity and a high risk of death (p. 1318).   Young emphasized that immigrants served a relevant part of the society.   They do jobs that could highly affect a huge number of the population if by any case they acquire communicable diseases. In relation with this, failure to immunize their children and treat their sicknesses could also result to a significant impact in the society. Young et al. touched on the principles of beneficence and non maleficence on his paper.   Both sides of the issues are presented (i.e. why the government cannot subsidize the health care of the undocumented children versus the effects that it could bring in the society).  Ã‚   Young et al explained the aid that the Emergency Medicaid has provided to the undocumented children and the other options that the hospitals can do in any case that the hospital cannot fully subsidize a child on expensive treatments and operations.   The principle of beneficence was clearly presented on this part.   On the other hand, the principle of maleficence could be seen as further attempts of the government to give improve the health status of the immigrants’ children are made.   McLaughlin et al (1999) touched on the role of nurse case managers in terms of providing solutions to the ethical dilemmas that were brought forth of the uninsured.   Case management as defined by The Case Management Society of America (CSMA) as a â€Å"collaborative process which plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, evaluates options and services to meet the individual’s health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost effective outcomes† (p.51).   The role of the nurse care manager is highly important because he or she acts as an advocate to raise funds; also, he or she acts as a facilitator as well in order to weigh treatment options for the patient and the family. The case of Natalie M involves the problem of dealing with her family that later on paved the way for her to be rejected in most of subacute or skilled nursing units.   Conflicts with the family as to weather to put Natalie on a subacute nursing units or take care of her at home poses a problem as well that the nurse manager has to deal with. The nurse care manager solved the issue by having Natalie participate in the decision process and make sure that the decision of Natalie is not a mere reflection of her family or guardian. The case of Natalie M. is a clear representation of the strict adherence of the nurse case managers on the principles of autonomy, principle of veracity, the principle of beneficence and avoided paternalism.  Ã‚   The article clearly laid out the process as to how particular treatment options are arrived into by discussing it with the guardian of Natalie and Natalie herself. Similarly, the nurse care manager make sure that the decision was a true reflection of the desires of Natalie, and corollary with this, the principle of beneficence was reflected in the steps of the nurse care manager to do make sure that whatever options that Natalie would take, it would be safe and would significantly help her improve her condition.   Tunzi (2004) has emphasized the case of the sluggish economy and the budget deficits that significantly affects the disposition of the uninsured.   According to the statistics, the uninsured comprises of 23 million male, 20 million female, in which 21 million are white, 13 million are Hispanic, 7 million are black, and 2 million are Asian or Pacific Islander (p.1357).    The major implication of being an uninsured is primarily characterized by worse cases of illnesses because of the failure to regularly check with the doctor, or failure to seek care until the illness is already terminal.   In relation with this, Tunzi also emphasized that majority of the uninsured are children and most likely they are more prone to poorer health or may die prematurely.   Hence, according to Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) 2002 report (as cited in Tunzi, 2004, p. 1358) that the lives of children will be made longer and their long term development would be significantly improved if they are covered with insurance. To solve this problem, the IOM has ensured a Broadbased Health Insurance Strategy which caters to preventive services, outpatient prescription drugs, and specialized mental health care, in addition to general ambulatory and hospital medical care (p.1359).   In addition, the Bush Administration has also launched the expansion of the Community Center System; however, the author perceived that such a program is not sufficient enough due to certain limitations that it posed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article of Tunzi (2004) touched on the principles of beneficence and justice.   The attempts to cover for the health of the uninsured and the expansion of government services and NGO’s are significant factors that are ethical in its very nature.   The issue of the caste system that is very imminent on hospitals is the issue that was tacked by Romano (2002).   There are certain hospitals that are viewed as practicing the so-called boutique medicine wherein they require their patients to pay an annual membership fee in order to gain access to the services of their hospital. However,   Ã‚  Lois Snyder, director of the Center for Ethics and Professionalism at the 115,000-member American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine as cited from Romano (2002, p.5) have reiterated that such ways of some hospitals are certainly against the their manuals.   Snyder emphasized that indiscriminate perception should be applied regardless if the patient is insured or uninsured.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Such a step of certain hospitals to intentionally reject patients on the name of profit is something that violates the principle of beneficence and also it is a violation of the basic principles of the deontological ethics’ claim that man should never be used as a means to an end. Dateline NBC (2005) has presented a case of a child who suffered from a ferry boat accident who’s got his legs amputated.   The child has no insurance and the father has no idea where to get the money to pay for the hospital bills.   On this case, the government nor any NGO did not helped the child; hence the father was forced to take the option of selling their house.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This case provided by dateline NBC, is relatively short and is made primarily for popular reading.   However, such a case would make one see how the government or the hospital for that matter did not take any advocacy steps in order to help the said family.   Analysis The article of Jost (1998) provides a clear picture of the conflict between various principles of biomedical ethics.   As the author have stated on previous paragraphs, the principle of Justice and Autonomy appears to be in conflict when discussing legal issues and keeping up with the notion of equality on health care services.   In addition, the idea of the greater good or the principle of utilitarianism appears to be in conflict as well with the laws against invasion of privacy. On the first issue that Jost presented, the principle of autonomy would normally state that it should really be the case that patients should be provided with the choice to have a physician of their own preference.   Since, man by nature as argued by the Kant as rational, then it necessarily follows that they should really be making their own choices.   However, it should be taken into consideration as well that legal contracts or agreements impinge this basic right of man for order and in some cases for social equality.   Tracing back in its philosophical roots, the very notion of the statutory laws emerged from the desire of man to engage himself into a social contract (i.e. Hobbes, Rousseau, Mill) in order to lift himself in the state of nature which is primarily characterized by the lack of order and domination of the strongest. Relating this to the conflict of the law (i.e. imposed by managed health care) and the principle of autonomy (i.e. the right of patients to choose their own doctors) simply makes sense.   If taken for instance that every patient lets say Xs that is enrolled on a managed health care, lets say A is given the opportunity to chose their own doctors, then A would cease to be a managed health care system at all since its very purpose which is to reduce costs will be defeated. In addition, inequality in terms of health care services will again stem out because relatively rich people will get the degree of health service that they prefer.   The author thinks that in order for the managed health care system to live on its purpose and prevent their customers to further increase their costs, they should be able to shift their perspective from profit to quality and humanitarian service.   The insurance industry is accountable for hundreds or even millions and billions of lives, and no amount of money could ever replace a life that is lost because of malpractice.   The essay by Epstein (2002) which tackles the law as one of the major vehicles in order to change the existing disposition of the uninsured has been seen by the research as something that is significantly related to the notion of justice and fairness.   The notion of justice is directly related to the laws that are imposed by the state.   However, since justice is only a result of human convention which is also partly dependent on the culture and the demands of the society, then it necessarily follows that it is imperfect. The essay of Epstein which emphasizes on the capacity of the government to insure majority of the citizens, most specially those who didn’t have the capacity of doing such; subsidizing the medicines of the marginalized seniors and associating small enterprises in order to afford the insurance of their employees is something that could be interpreted as a result to put more justice in the existing laws.   However, the author, basing the arguments from Epstein could significantly assert that such proved to be far fetched due to certain factors such as the political will, the inappropriate allocation of government funds and the lack of trust on human goodwill.    The political will as perceived by the author is the initiative on the end of the government to significantly allocate a percentage of the taxes that it collects for the uninsured.   In relation with this is the political will as well to help the marginalized, the immigrants and the children to acquire the insurance necessary in order to secure their health.   Corollary with this is the government’s investment on war versus the immediate need of its citizens’ health.   A proper allocation of the national budget is seen by the author as one of the primary solution to the huge number of the uninsured. The notion of the human goodwill as emphasized by Immanuel Kant is something that could be significantly related to the assumptions of discriminatory underwritings that could stem out from the associations of small companies across the border in order to provide insurance for their employees.   Kant asserted that man is inherently good and the author believes it to be so.   The mere premise that these small companies wanted to provide insurance for their employees is a valid reason enough to deduce that the former has a genuine concern on the plight of the latter.   Owcharenko (2006) presented her recommendations which are majority in a form of law changes and reforms in order to cater for the uninsured.   The author agreed with Owcharenko on her perspective that the best way to reach out and cater to the needs of the uninsured is to make national reforms in terms of the laws that governs every state.   Although the author perceived that advocacy on the part of the hospitals to solicit funds as a significant solution as well; the reforms on the laws would be able to cater on a relatively huge number of population. The principle of utilitarianism and beneficence in addition to the principles of justice could be seen as the core ethical foundation of the recommendations of Owcharenko.   The necessity of extending the health reforms to majority of the population is in conjunction with the principle of utilitarianism which is the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.   In addition, the principle of duty of the Deontological Ethics could be applied as well. The basis of the morality of a certain act is significantly related to the â€Å"duty† that each person has.   This duty is perceived by Kant as something that is absolute or on his own terms â€Å"unibversalizable†.   In relating this to the government, the author perceived that part of the duty of the government is to assure that every individual regardless of social status and income will have the same access to health medications and treatments.   The notion of duty is significantly related to the justice that ideally should always be existing in a certain society.   Young et al (2004) has tackled the importance of the health of the undocumented children in the American society.   In order to present this, two principles from the ethics of principlism was touched- beneficence and maleficence.   The principle of beneficence asserts the relevance of thinking who benefits from one’s actions and in what such manner.   The principle of maleficence emphasizes on the notion of not harming any person or party.   The principle of beneficence was clearly applied on the disposition of the undocumented children and the principle of maleficence was applied on the existing laws for and against undocumented children. Due to the principle of non-harm, attempts on the end of the hospitals and the government to be more sympathetic, and more humanitarian to the undocumented children were executed.   Also, the principle of utilitarianism could be significantly related on the case of the undocumented children as well.   It could be noted that Young et al. has emphasized that these children and their parents served a significant part of the society.   Hence, their poor health could also affect the entire population.   Taking the principle of utilitarianism and its maxim which is â€Å"the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people†, one could significantly deduce that the health of the paperless immigrants and their children could also translate to an overall increase of utility on the entire state.   The case of Natalie M. on the writings of McLaughlin et al (1999) presents the principles of autonomy, veracity, beneficence and avoided paternalism.   In certain cases wherein the patient has the mental capacity to decide for herself, the nurse case manager makes sure that the autonomy of the individual is emphasized.   Similar to the essay of Epstein (2002), the emphasis on the rationality of the individual is always taken into consideration. The notion of the â€Å"truth† is another ethical principle that is necessary for those patients who are under a care of a certain guardian or who has a family who is very picky and difficult to deal with in terms of negotiating treatment options.   The importance of arriving on the true desires of the patient is directly related on the principle of autonomy.   This would then make sure that paternalism will be avoided, although the nurse care manager also makes sure that such a decision that the hospital will arrive at is relatively the best step in order to improve the disposition of the patient, hence beneficence.   Tunzi (2004) has made a direct correlation on the principles of beneficence and justice.   By presenting various solutions on the case of the uninsured through government and non-government initiatives, it is evident that attempts to provide equal opportunity in terms of health services are attempted to be provided in almost all people regardless of their status in the society. Such a step could be seen as would present a great benefit on the end of the uninsured, hence beneficence.   Upholding profit versus the necessity of the human life is the case that was presented by Romano (2002).   The practice of so called boutique hospitals is something that is against the principles of Deontological Ethics which claimed that man should never be used as a means to an end. This means that if the hospital for instance rejects the admission of an uninsured patient because the latter does not have enough finances to pay, then it necessarily follows that profit is seen as the most relevant factor for the hospital and not really to save lives.  Ã‚   Then man or the patient for that matter would only be seen as an instrument for profit and not really the ‘end’ purpose of the hospital in itself.   The case of presented by Dateline NBC (2005) would show that there are really cases wherein besides of the efforts and the claims presented by the hospitals, NGOs and the government, there are still a lot of cases wherein the uninsured is being left out.    The case of the child who got his legs amputated which later on made his father decide to sell the house is something that could be prevented only if advocacy steps on the part of the hospital or the government was implemented.   The debt and or the decrease of the quality of life that this family might suffer after this crisis could also directly impact how the child will continue his healing process and or adapt to the new change that recently happened in his life.   Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The uninsured† is a term that is coined to people who don’t posses any form of insurance who primarily include paperless immigrants, minorities, children and or teenagers without insurance, employees of small businesses, people who belong on the lower part of the social strata and also a significant number of the elderly.   In effect, such a group of people suffered a lot in terms of seeking and receiving the health service that is necessary to prolong their lives.   Corollary with this, are the disposition of those patients who initially have a health insurance but experience a significant degree of difficulty in terms of having the insurance company subsidize the treatment and or operation that is necessary for their health condition.   Such a problem creates an ethical dilemma on the end of the doctors, patients, insurance providers and also the courts. In comprehending and analyzing the eight articles that was presented on this research, the author have deduced that the health care industry of the country is facing a huge dilemma most specially in distributing fairness in terms of the allocation of health services that is due not only to every American citizen but also to other races who lives in the country as well.   Such a growing injustice in the health industry has been attempted to be solved many times starting from the nurse advocates, the hospitals, non-government organizations and also the government as well. However, even though more than seven decades has passed since the necessity of insurance was perceived, the government still is quite slow in terms of providing solutions to the health problems of its citizens.   The budget deficit has been blamed due to the lack of monetary support, however, it is very evident that the government’s finances were clearly improperly allocated to certain war endeavors which a number of critics have argued to be null on the first place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The ethical dilemmas that stem out due to the lack of funds, legalities, concern for profit (of insurance companies) are directly affecting the marginalized, the children, the minorities, and the senior people.   The author perceived that a reevaluation of the priorities of every significant institution which played an important role on the health of the citizens are relevant in order to set things on a right path and establish justice and fairness which has been the primary purpose on the first place of establishing a social contract, a government and the set of statutory laws which supposed to make the life of man better and in order. Literature Cited Carter L (2002). A Primer to Ethical Analysis.   Office of Public Policy and Ethics Institute for Molecular Bioscience. Dateline NBC (2005). â€Å"Americans and the American health industry†. Quill Magazine, 4. Epstein K (2002).   Covering the Uninsured: The Issues. The CQ Researcher (12) (23) 523-526. Jost K (1998). Patient’s Rights: The Issues. The CQ Researcher (8) (5) 101-109. Mc Laughlin K et al (1999). Ethical Dilemmas in Critical Care:Nurse Case Managers’ Perspective. Crit Care Nurs 22 (3) 51–64. Owcharenko N (2006). Reducing the Number of Uninsured. Health Care 95-97. Romano M (2002). If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.   Modern Healthcare (32) (12) p17, 1p, 2c. Tunzi M (2004). The Uninsured. American Family Physician, (69) (6) 1357-1360. Young J. et al (2004). Providing Life-Saving Health Care to Undocumented Children: Controversies and Ethical Issues.   PEDIATRICS, (114) (5) 1316-1320.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Christian-Only Hiring Policy Essay

Case Study: Matthew is planning to open a manufacturing facility. He is considering a â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy whereby he would determine to hire only professing, evangelical Christians to work in the facility. He asks you for your advice on the following questions: 1. Would such a policy be legal? If so, under what terms and what might the restrictions be? 2. From a Great Commission perspective, would this policy be advisable? 3. How would your answers change, if at all, if they planned to open a Christian school rather than a manufacturing facility? Matthew is planning to open a manufacturing facility and is considering a â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy. The only way that this policy would be legal is if the manufacturing facility was considered to be a non-profit organization. A non-profit organization is an organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals rather than distributing them as profit or dividends. The extent to which a non-profit organization can generate surplus revenues may be constrained or use of surplus revenues may be restricted. If this manufacturing facility was deemed to be a non-profit organization, then the organization would be exempt from the Civil Rights Act and would be able to implement their â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy without facing charges down the road of discrimination. Due to the fact that a manufacturing facility would be unable to be classified as a non-profit organization because their purpose is usually to distribute its products for profit, then my adv ice would be that this policy would not be advisable for Matthew to use a â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy. Using this policy would cause people to be discriminated against due to religious preference, and this is clearly illegal in the United States. If Matthew was planning to open a Christian school rather than a manufacturing facility, my answer would still be that it is illegal to discriminate in a for-profit organization. There are times when a faith-based humanitarian organization has prevailed over the lawsuits brought against them for discrimination due to religious preference, however, I do not advise toying with the gray area of the laws. I would advise Matthew that if he intends to open his manufacturing facility, it is not legal and not advisable to implement his â€Å"Christian-only† hiring policy.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Learning to Listen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning to Listen - Essay Example Ramin tells the readers how she has grown up with inquisitive behavior and become curious of everything happening around her. To this extent, the author reveals that the culture of one’s family influences his or her behavior. Further, the author reveals that one’s family can make him or her develop poor or good listening skills, which she emphasizes by reveling to the readers that she learnt about her poor listening skills from her family. Good listening demands that one be keen and completely identify with the speaker. Ramin emphasizes that great listening involves â€Å"deeply identifying with the person you’re speaking with, when their story becomes so vivid that your world becomes less about you and more about them† (Para 2). The author further makes it clear that hearing is different from listening. Hearing simply means making no sense of what the speaker says. Good and effective listening requires an individual to focus more on the speaker rather tha n himself. A good listener is one who identifies with and become part and parcel of the story. Ramin also reveals that poor listening skills can lead to communication barrier and increases one’s likelihood to miss important things said by the speaker. Ramin also reveals that listening skills can be learnt when she says â€Å"I might have missed that, had I not learned to listen† (Para 5) in reference to â€Å"I love you† whisper from an orphaned girl to her at Noah’s community center. Ramin’s claim that one should learn when to speak and when to listen is very true. I particularly had poor listening skills, but learnt a lesson that changed my listening skills completely. I had gate-crushed a certain wedding in the neighborhood. At the door of hall where the occasion was scheduled, a security guard instructed me that empty blue seats were reserved for some special people invited to the wedding. Unfortunately, I was simply nodding and talking at the same time, while my

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Civil War in England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Civil War in England - Essay Example This paper shall discuss the effects that the war had on the people of England and the different aspects of the nation then. Before the commencement of the war and even during it, the reins of the economy and the funds of the government rested with the Parliament that would then be in a position to dictate terms to the King (Bucholz and Key, 254). This marked a change in the way in which revenue was utilized during the Elizabethan age when the monarch had a far greater role to play in the handling of the nation’s funds that when the Stuart dynasty took over. The expenses of the monarch would have to be ratified by the Parliament and this was a great blow to James I. He however, managed to maintain a balance between the demands of the Parliament and the maintenance of his power. His son, Charles I, however, could not do so. Many attribute this failure to Charles’ belief in the divine rights that he believed kings to have (Trueman). According to this theory, kings were th e deputies of god on earth and this right of the king could not be taken away by the Parliament which according to him was merely a collection of mortals. This belief of Charles would be the reason that led to his ultimate execution. His failure to recognize the real aspirations of his people finally led to his downfall. Apart from this, one also needs to look at the flawed military strategies that were employed by the Royalists and the successful ones by the Parliamentarians. John Pym, according to Robert Bucholz and Newton Key, was instrumental in ensuring the victory of the Parliamentarian cause in many battles that occurred during the civil war (Bucholz and Key, 254). Religious reasons were very important in the civil war. It marked a transition to a phase in history where religion would be a major determinant in political affairs in an explicit manner. The puritans were responsible in a large way for the civil war. Oliver Cromwell himself was a puritan (Oliver Cromwell). These aspects along with the fact of the different sects that people in England, Ireland and Scotland were a part of, had led to tensions within the nation (Stoyle). A different form of politics too had taken shape, one that would thrive on the politics of identity. This was a change from earlier days. This change has survived to modern times when political parties survive on the identity of the community they represent. The major economic effect of the English Civil War was its detrimental impact on trade. Ben Coates in his work The Impact of the English Civil War on the Economy of London observes that the years spanning from 1648 to 1650 were marked by poor agricultural produce and naval and trade weakness. The recession of 1648-50, however, was a product of bad harvests and weakness on the seas. The Dutch regained their supremacy in the seas and thus undermined English trade and industries. It is noteworthy that the war weakened the erstwhile flourishing English foreign trade at the pr ecise point of time when the Dutch consolidated their commercial and naval power after the completion of the Thirty Years' War (1648) (Coates, 22). The importance of these developments needs to be analyzed in conjunction with the role that these changes enabled in the transition to modernity. Not only were the seeds of democracy sown

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Biomedical issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biomedical issues - Essay Example As it is the most dangerous forms and caused by the effect of the carcinogens, the early detection and treatment are the important issues. The tobacco smoking and limitation of the other carcinogens’ effect should be also taken into account. Lung cancer is a carcinoma or a cancer that develops from the epithelial cells. Lung cancer evokes in the lungs where these cell are genetically damaged. There are three main forms of damages: squamous dysplasia/carcinoma in situ, atypical adenomatous hyperplasia and diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia (Kernstine and Reckamp, 2011: 35). These cells start to proliferate creating the tumour. If the tumour remains untreated, the cancer cells can be transported to the other tissues creating the metastases. Typically, 7-15 are necessary for the tumour development (Eckard and Kimmis, 2009: 12). There are two main types of lung cancer: small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). 10-15 % of the lung cancers are SCLC. The rest is NSCLC In case of small-cell lung cancer small cancer cells create tumours in the lung. These small cell may also penetrate to the other tissues. In case of non–small-cell lung cancer the cancer cells are seen under the microscope as relatively larger. The presented classification is used for the treatment of the disease (Eckard and Kimmis, 2009: 13). The symptoms of the lung cancer can classified on the local and distant effects. Typical local effects are connected with the lung damages and include cough, wheezing, shortened breath and pains in chest. The most common distant effect is weight loss. Some forms of lung cancer may cause hypertrophic osteoarthropathy. The detectable symptoms mean that the disease has already been developed within the body (Churg et al., 2011: 447-450). The effect of the carcinogens is the main cause of lung cancer. Smoking (including second hand smoking) is the common

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Measure Stage -- General Electric Coursework

The Measure Stage -- General Electric - Coursework Example These are correct transactions and customer complaints. The number of correct transactions can be automatically withdrawn from the company’s system whereas the number of customer complaints can be obtained from customer feedbacks and recorded complaints during sale or after sale of company goods and services. For the ten months from February to November, the number of customer complaints was identifiably more than the number of incorrect transactions for each month. For this reason, the team should focus on improving issues that arise during customer complaints. This is because this section recorded the highest values every month when measured against the number of incorrect transactions. General Electric Company’s inability to assure its customers of utter satisfaction comes as a result of the high number of customer complaints. This is evident from the graph in the process baseline estimation section above. This is an indication that stringent measures ought to be taken in order to curb customer complaints within the company. The mission of this project, as indicated in the define stage of this project, is the improvement of General Electric company’s six sigma with the aim of ensuring utter customer satisfaction. For this reason, the data collected in the process baseline estimation section above supports the purpose of the project. The data, therefore, shows that there certainly is room for performing better as far as ensuring utter customer satisfaction is

Identify and compare examples of motivation techniques used within Assignment

Identify and compare examples of motivation techniques used within Cadbury's and Nestle and briefly justify a suitable managemen - Assignment Example Company profiles of Cadbury and Nestle Cadbury limited, founded in 1824 and headquartered in London, is one of the world’s largest candy makers to share 10 percent of the market. It produces and sells confectionary products offering chocolate bags, boxes and tins and chocolate bars and drinks. It is world’s second largest chewing gum makers and has merged to be a multi-million multinational company (Bloomberg Business Week, 2013). Nestle, a food and beverage multinational company headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland, is world’s No-1 food and Drink Company in terms of sales and world’s leader in coffee market. It is world’s top bottled water maker and biggest frozen pizza maker and is one of the most reputed brands name across the world (, 2013). Objectives and Vision A business organization needs to describe the purpose and major objectives for which the organization exists. Objectives of an organization provide information, direction and inspiration to explicitly outline the future of the firm. The vision of a firm consists of practical ideals that offer certain goals to be accomplished in terms that can be evaluated (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2011, p. 18). For Cadbury, quality is its promise as its reputation has been built upon quality and it promises to ensure quality in its six products line- confectionary, candy, desserts, gums, snacks and beverages. Its objectives include delivering superior shareholder returns, managing resources efficiently to ensure growth and achieve high performance. With its vision â€Å"to be the biggest and the best confectionery company in the world†, Cadbury always attempts to deliver supreme values and quality so as to become the best and biggest confectionary company in the world (, 2013). Nestle promises ‘Good Food, Good Life’ to provide best tasting, fresh and nutritious choices in a different segments of food and beverage to its targeted marke ts. Nestle’s objective is to become the leader in nutrition, health and wellness trusted by all its stakeholders (Nestle, 2012). Its vision is to ‘be a leading, competitive, nutrition, health and wellness company that delivers improved shareholder value’ (, 2013). Organizational Culture and Structure Organizational structure in a firm designates formal relationship including number of levels in the management hierarchy and grouping together of individuals in to departments to ensure effective communication, coordination and integration of efforts among departments (Daft, 2010, p. 90). Organizational culture is a system of shared values, beliefs and assumptions that are established in an organization so as to influence and motivate people towards achieving the desired goals. Cadbury employs more than 4500 employees in over six countries. In 2009, the company has eliminated the regional structure to operate seven business units and leverage the category leadership across its markets. At Cadbury, the board of directors plays vital roles and responsibilities for overall management and performance and for the approval of long-term objectives. As shown in the diagram, the span of control and communication is spread among different

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing H.W Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing H.W - Essay Example The production department relies on consumer preferences when producing goods. Workers On the other hand, companies hire workers from the population. Labor plays an important role in production, processing, assembly and distribution. Furthermore, labor wage rates influence the location decision. The facility location has a significant impact on transport costs. When a facility is located far away from the market, the transport costs incurred when transporting goods to the market is high. When the facility is close to the market, the cost is reduced. It is for this reason that companies want to find the optimal location which will save transport cost. Companies thus consider the costs involved before making facility location decisions. Facility relocation involves moving a facility to a different location. Facility closing means that that facility stops being function completely. In the case of relocation, the company should be ready to cover the moving costs of workers who move to the new location, and plan for transport expenses for workers who wish to travel to the new facility every day. When a facility is closed, the human resource department should explain to workers the reasons behind and if possible hire some to other facility locations. In a supply chain, warehousing helps in distribution efficiency and marketing. Warehouses are included in the supply chain because they are used for receiving new inventory, storing inventory, packaging and shipping to customers. Modern warehousing has more roles other than stocking inventory especially economic and service benefits. These include offering value added services such as additional processing in addition to storage and delivery of products. The purpose of warehouses and distribution centers is to store goods before they are transported to the consumer. The emphasis is on maximizing the space available for storage. However, the emphasis of distribution centers is the fast movement of goods through the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Museum Exhibit Design Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Museum Exhibit Design - Coursework Example In a way this commercializes art which partially necessary but may not be health if exhibitions are dependent on market forces or sale of paintings. It would make exhibits sustainable and interesting as well if workshops by known artist will be conducted along with the exhibits to engage the audience in several ways. First by letting them see the creative process of painting, by letting them experience the joy of painting through the workshop that would eventually draw larger audience. Source of revenue to sustain the exhibit is two-fold, first is on the sale of the art work and second the proceeds of the workshops. Art is not just a means to express our creative self and to heighten our aesthetic sensibility but also an effective social commentary. Presenting diversity is a wonderful theme in art narratives but limiting it to race is somewhat lacking because race is just a portion of diversity. I think it would be wonderful to include gender, diversity of perspectives and even diversity in style. A same subject probably can be rendered in diverse method and perspective. For example, the same portrait can be rendered through impressionism, classical, bistre and alla prima method giving the audience not only the narrative of the subject but also the breadth and narrative of how can it be rendered. Interpretation can also be expanded say for example, from a feminist point of view, racial point of view etch. This would provide audience different experience and perspective with the same subject and sort of educating them that there are a lot of ways to look at

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Career Analysis of a Real Estate Enterpreneur Essay

Career Analysis of a Real Estate Enterpreneur - Essay Example Their impact lives on for generations. A real estate entrepreneur, also known as a real estate investor, is a person actively or passively involved in real estate. Real estate refers to property that consists of land together with the housing and natural resources found on it. Thus, in business, real estate is a profession that deals with sales and purchase, or renting of land, housing or buildings. An active investor may buy or make improvements on property to be sold at a later date for profit. On the other hand, a passive investor does the work of an active investor indirectly. In their case, they hire firms to buy and manage property on their behalf. Career Path Real estate is an occupation to be considered by people with a balance of industry knowledge and entrepreneurial acumen. Even though getting a job as a real estate entrepreneur may not be difficult, beginning workers face a lot of competition from seasoned and well established entrepreneurs in the field. Organizations hav e taken the liberty to chart out the path of a real estate investment. This is done in stages of training. In each stage, an employee undergoes training. Upon their success, they rise up the ranks. For instance, Keller Williams Realty has seven levels of training (Keller Williams Realty, 2012). These levels include career launch, success series and boot camps. A summary of these levels is as shown below. Trends Real estate markets have a great impact on the economy. A healthy real estate market has been known to positively drive the economy. A good example is China. According to Barboza (2010), in 2003 to 2010 period, real estate prices in Shanghai increased by over 150%. Construction of property has continued despite the threat of credit crunch. The government has benefited from this rise in prices as GDP has increased from 2% (2000) to 6% (2011) due to residential housing investment. The 2008 global recession had an adverse effect on real estate industry. Sad though, the reverse i s also true. Economies have declined as a result of an unproductive real estate industry. In America, there was a decline of people being hired into the sector. However, this changed shortly after. Between January 2011 and January 2012, there was a 20% increase in job advertisements (Lombardi, 2012). Hiring Demands in the Real Estate Industry – 4 Year Hiring Trend Source: WANTED Analytics Technology is a significant aspect to the growing change in career trends. For part time real estate entrepreneurs, the increasing use of technology may work to their detriment in comparison to full time entrepreneurs who invest in technology. The same technology does have a positive impact. It has increased the productivity of real estate investors. It has widened the market base since they are able to access their customers and do research on various property using the internet. The internet is particularly resourceful because of the pool of information it contains. The perception of real estate as a worthwhile investment and low interest rates continue to stimulate real estate sales. This creates demand for real estate entrepreneurs. One may, therefore, choose real estate investment as a career path. The legal front also plays a vital role in determining trends in real estate. Real estate entrepreneurs need to meet certain legal requirements and adhere to certain legal conditions. Changes in legal requirements, like the disclosure laws, may discourage some who are not serious or are not abreast with such

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Significant Symbol in U.S. Contemporary History Essay Example for Free

A Significant Symbol in U.S. Contemporary History Essay The statement above is just one of the several famous and affecting quotes from a former president of the United States of America, Dwight David Eisenhower. In this short and concise statement, his general principles, beliefs, and ideologies may be observed. This man with a huge heart for peace and humanity has been perceived by millions of Americans as a tough yet upright and high-profiled symbol of the government over the decades. However, this man who has been looked up to by the whole of America may be discovered to have humble beginnings—brought up from a simple family, he was an average boy who grew up to fulfill great dreams and great aspirations for the United States of America. On the 14th day of October in 1890, Dwight David Eisenhower, of David Eisenhower, a mechanic, and Ida Elizabeth Stover, a religious pacifist, was born (Kelly). As a child, he had to help his family and work with extra effort in order to suffice their everyday necessities. He was brought up in a simple yet very religious environment where people are exposed to real-life plain-living (The Eisenhower Foundation). He was born in Denison, Texas, but they eventually moved to Abilene in Kansas where he spent his early education in humble community schools. During this stage of his life, he was raised to be a fun loving youth who was fascinated with the Western American history and had always dreamed of getting into college and obtaining a degree which was considered an extravagance for families like his during that time (The Eisenhower Foundation). It was in Abilene where he had his early foundations, and it was also the place where he acquired his early values which eventually molded him to what people know him for—a noble and principled individual. Eisenhower joined the U. S. Military at West Point, New York on the 14th day of June in 1911 (â€Å"Dwight David Eisenhower†). Here, he was made into a principled and trained fighter which helped him to reach the rank of Second Lieutenant on September 1915. This was the start of his career in the military which have been a difficult battle and a rich learning experience as well for the fighter Eisenhower. In his entire military career, he has been blessed with the might of an ultimate warrior and a fair mind of a just leader. He has been part of several historical events such as McArthur’s venture to the Philippine Islands and the First and Second World War (â€Å"Dwight David Eisenhower†). Eventually, he was able to receive several recognitions due to his selfless and self-sacrificing service for the United States. On the 4th day of November in 1952, he was awarded with the greatest authority an American citizen could ever have; he became the 34th president of the Unites States of America (The Eisenhower Foundation). As it appears, the presidents of the world are given this special privilege of being immortalized through their works and principles. However, people may still question why a person such as Dwight Eisenhower should be remembered when all the other presidents seem to have done the same thing: to serve the country. As Eisenhower ventured in the greatest challenge to rule America, he was faced with serious challenges through the problems and obstacles in the political and economic sectors. The American values and the national security have been put in great risk by the powerful Europe and Asia which vexed the newly appointed president (Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission). Yet, despite these challenges, he maintained his aim on his strategies and game-plans on how he can win every battle that the country was facing at that time, such as the Cold War which he skillfully handled with utmost determination. In addition, as Eisenhower went through the most difficult and complex challenges as a president, he was able to maintain the balance in the national budget, the credibility of the country’s fiscal responsibility, and the public works that were significant in the lives of his people. He became remarkable in his efforts to establish sturdy innovations to the government as a whole and to his presidency in order to improve not just the country’s infrastructures but also the morale and dignity of the government (Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission). Eisenhower also had that incomparable heart for his people. He recognized the needs and the grievances of the less fortunate Americans which led him to establish agencies like the Department of Health and the Education and Welfare in 1953, while he also made improvements in the Social Security through increased benefits for millions of Americans (Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission). These were just some of his simple yet very significant efforts that will forever rest in Americans’ memories as he left them after a long heart ailment on the solemn day of March 28, 1969 uttering his last words, I want to go; God take me. (The Eisenhower Foundation). Among the many presidents that the United States has met, Dwight Eisenhower created a difference as inspired by his upbringing. It provided him enough courage and determination to reach greater heights. It may appear that the function and role of the American president is one of the hardest and most complicated in the world. Yet, to think that Eisenhower was able to go through it while maintaining a spiritual and fair heart is also commendable. A leader who does not allow his power and authority to rule his heart has also been attributed to Eisenhower by the people themselves. This is because while he was a man who was very well exposed to violence and wars, he spoke of peace and freedom from strife. Over his years of service, aside from literally fighting for his nation and helping to winning the wars, he was able to win the trust and confidence of his people through keeping his values and morale in his leadership strategy. Truly, it may be hard to find a perfect leader. Nevertheless, finding a leader like Eisenhower who had a sense of humor and integrity at the same time can also be one in a million chances. Considering the accounts of history which tell stories of Eisenhower as a hero of America, it may appear that he indeed played a significant role in the U. S. contemporary history. A man who led a simple life as a child and grew up to become the person with the highest authority in America but never abused his powers for wealth and personal interest is indeed worthy of remembrance. Indeed, no person must be judged according to his or her roots. Certainly, societal status does not in any way make a discerning factor to tell the worth and value of a person, because if there is any symbol and example who best represents a story of humble roots to the height of glory and honor in America, it would be undeniably someone like former President Dwight Eisenhower of the United States. Works Cited Bancroft, David G. â€Å"Dwight D. Eisenhower: 34th President (1953-1961). † USA Patriotism. 2002. 24 November 2008 http://www. usa-patriotism. com/quotes/eisenhower. htm. Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission. Why Memoralize Eisenhower?. 27 August 2008. 24 November 2008 http://www. eisenhowermemorial. org/whymemorializeike. htm. â€Å"Dwight David Eisenhower†. The Eisenhower Library Information Resources. September 2000. Ibiblio. 24 November 2008 http://www. ibiblio. org/lia/president/EisenhowerLibrary/_General_Materials/DDE_Biography. html. The Eisenhower Foundation. Biography: Dwight David Eisenhower October 14, 1890-March 28, 1969. 05 August 2008. Eisenhower. com. 24 November 2008 http://www. dwightdeisenhower. com/biodde. html. Kelly, Martin. â€Å"Dwight D. Eisenhower- Thirty-Fourth President of the United States. † About. com: American History. 24 November 2008. http://americanhistory. about. com/od/dwightdeisenhower/p/peisenhower. htm.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Causes of the Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya

Causes of the Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya The Mau Mau rebellion in 1952 was undeniably caused by the growing tensions between the Kikuyu and the white European settlers in Kenya. However, despite growing unrest, the precise causes of the rebellion remain unclear. This essay will discuss a number of possible reasons for the revolt, examining the economic, social and political tensions caused by the colonial administration in an attempt to discover the real reasons for the Mau Mau rebellion and why the Kikuyu were so unhappy with their colonial administrators. Arguably one of the most important reasons for the Mau Mau rebellion was the economic deprivation of the Kikuyu. The Kikuyu had long been unhappy with white settlers in Kenya taking their land, and their economic deprivation lead to vast discontent throughout the Kikuyu.[1] Despite attempts to address this issue, the Kikuyus were ignored. Michael Coray has argued that by failing to create a system through which Africa grievances against white settlers could be settled fairly, the Kikuyu grew more dissatisfied with the colonial administrations failures,[2] thus playing a significant part in the development of the Mau Mau rebellion. Economic deprivation continued throughout colonial rule; by 1948, 1.25 million Kikuyu were restricted to 2000 square miles whilst 30,000 white settlers occupied 12,000 square miles,[3] demonstrating the extent to which the Kikuyu were disadvantaged by the white settlers, causing them anger and resentment. As a result to these poor living conditions, there w as a huge increase in the number of Kikuyu migrating to the cities; leading to poverty, unemployment and overpopulation.[4] Despite these factors, it has been argued that economic deprivation was not of particular importance in relation to why the Mau Mau rebellion broke out. Claude Welch has claimed that grievances were expressed primarily on a tribal basis as opposed to a class basis, which he uses as evidence to suggest that economic deprivation is not as significant a factor as one might believe.[5] However, regardless of whether or not it contributed greatly to the break out of the Mau Mau rebellion, there is little doubt that the unrest caused by economic deprivation had an impact on the Kikuyu, and trough this contributed to the Mau Mau rebellion. As well as economic deprivation, the Kikuyu were arguably angered by their loss of economic independence during the colonial period. As Eric Brown has stated, the loss of land to white settlers meant not only that the Kikuyu were bereft of their land, but also that they had to then find work in order to make a living; usually working for the white settlers.[6] Brown has paralleled this with Serfdom, and argues that Kikuyu reliance on white settlers caused an increase in social tensions amongst the Kikuyu.[7] Though already at a disadvantage, the Kikuyu would also earn on average only a fifth of the payment which white workers would earn for the same amount of work,[8] which only furthered the Kikuyu resentment of the settlers. Despite migrating to the cities, which one might consider puts the Kikuyu at an economic advantage, the Kikuyu were in fact disadvantaged when considering their prosperous position prior to colonial administration; coffee growing in particular was a rewarding i ndustry due to the fertile land held by the Kikuyu, and so the prohibition of coffee growing imposed by the colonial government crippled the Kikuyu.[9] In this light, a rebellion against the British settlers might be seen as inevitable. The Kikuyu were the most populous ethnic group in Kenya, with what Brown calls a flourishing society;[10] therefore, when the Mau Mau offered them an opportunity to revolt against British colonialism, the group grew rapidly.[11] One could then argue that a main reason why the Mau Mau rebellion broke out was so that the Kikuyu could regain the economic independence that they longed for, and were used to prior to colonial disruption. However, the social conditions of the Kikuyu cannot be ignored when attempting to address the main reasons for the break out of the Mau Mau rebellion. Harsh restrictions were placed upon the Kikuyu; they were taxed heavily (which when one considers that they were earning only a fifth of the wages white settlers were earning, seems particularly severe),[12] and racial tensions increased. White settlers saw the Kikuyu as agricultural competition, thus explaining why such heavy restrictions were placed upon them.[13] Disciplinary measures were introduced by white settlers on the Kikuyu who worked on their land; workers were often tortured or abused by the white settlers.[14] This horrific treatment of the Kikuyu only angered them further and caused greater discontent between black and white. Alongside their economic deprivation, the Kikuyu and other people of Africa were made to feel like outsiders within their homeland, and became alienated from society. Many Kikuyu had no choice but t o become squatters on white land, which to them seemed degrading considering the land was rightfully theirs.[15] There were also increasing tensions between the Kikuyu people themselves. Kikuyu land owners and those forced to work on white land began to despise each other; Furedi argues that this led to the land owners and their white allies releasing a wave of repression onto those with no land, thus increasing social tensions throughout Kenya.[16] This meant that poorer Kikuyu workers were not only angered by the white settlers but also by their own people, thus strengthening the argument that the Mau Mau rebellion was a peasant revolt against the wealthy and the white.[17] The vast growth of the Kikuyu Central Association also accounts for the break out of the Mau Mau rebellion in 1952. The KCA made its aims clear to reclaim the land taken from them and ran a campaign of civil disobedience in order to protest against the white settlers taking their land,[18] which demonstrates the unrest amongst the Kikuyu prior to the rebellion. The KCA also made radical demands, for example the return of their land, in hope of returning to their economic position prior to colonial rule.[19] The growth in membership of the KCA can be accounted for in the popular demands it made; for example, higher wages and the right to grow coffee again.[20] It has already been established that the Kikuyu were greatly unhappy with their social and economic position within Kenya, and so the KCA offered them an opportunity to voice their discontent and attempt to make a change through convincing the government that if their demands were not met, they would create more trouble.[21] De spite these protests, the KCA was largely ignored by the colonial government, thus furthering tensions between the two.[22] The KCAs grievances originated in the 1920s and 1930s, and so by the time the Mau Mau rebellion broke out in 1952, decades had passed with little change to benefit the Kikuyu, and therefore the rebellion had arguably been a long time coming. Consequently, the growth of the KCA reflects the growing tensions amongst the Kikuyu which led to the Mau Mau rebellion of 1952. Another key reason for the break out of the Mau Mau rebellion in 1952 was the internal divisions within the Kikuyu. It has been argued that there never was a single Mau Mau.[23] One possible reason for this argument is that the Mau Mau never made their goals clear; many have attempted to discover their goals through Mau Mau actions, and yet there is no solid evidence to suggest what the Mau Maus goals might be. Clough has argued that Mau Mau goals were political, and that they wanted to drive out the white settlers and isolate African enemies.[24] There is certainly some validity to this argument; as Clough notes, memoirs from Mau Mau meetings show that a great effort was made planning what the Mau Mau relationship should be with detained leaders, and how they would communicate with the British to get their message across,[25] demonstrating the importance of political motivations. Others have argued that their goals were economical, and that as previously stated the Kikuyu people str ived to regain their economic independence that was lost through colonialism.[26] The Mau Mau was a rapidly expanding group, and therefore the lack of a well-known, common goal meant that internal divisions were inevitable. Therefore the rebellion in 1952 was arguably caused by Mau Mau intentions to achieve something in order to avoid being seen as a radical group without a goal. However, as Lonsdale has pointed out, despite internal divisions, the Mau Mau were bound to each other by hopes of citizenship and bureaucracy,[27] and therefore perhaps the broadness of such a goal benefitted the Mau Mau rather than causing a failed uprising. It can therefore be concluded that there were a number of reasons for the break out of the Mau Mau rebellion in 1952. Arguably the most important cause of the rebellion was the economic discontent of caused by white settlers claiming Kikuyu land and its consequences. The restrictions placed upon the Kikuyu, both economically and socially, also played a significant role in the break out of the rebellion, as the Kikuyu were made to feel alienated from their own society and repressed by white settlers. However, the most likely cause of the Mau Mau rebellion was a combination of all the above factors, which led to a growth in discontent amongst the Kikuyu and left them with no other alternative than to revolt. In this sense, it can be concluded that there was not just one cause of the Mau Mau rebellion, but a vast amount of varying causes encompassing economic, social and political tensions. Bibliography Grinker, R., Perspectives on Africa: A reader in culture, history and representation (Wiley-Blackwell 1997) Shaw, C., Colonial Inscriptions: Race, Sex and Class in Kenya (University of Minnesota Press, 1995) Welch, C., Anatomy of Rebellion (SUNY Press, 1980) Mwakikagile, G., Africa and the West (Nova Publishers, 2000) Harcourt, W., Feminist Perspectives on Sustainable Development (Zed Books, 1994) Furedi, F., The Mau Mau War in Perspective (James Currey Publisers, 1989) Berman, B., and Lonsdale, J., Unhappy Valley: Conflict in Kenya and Africa (James Currey Publishers, 1992) Lonsdale, J., Foreword in Kershaw, G., Mau Mau from Below (Ohio University Press, 1997) Clough, M., Mau Mau Memoirs: History, Memory and Politics (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998) Odhiambo, E., and Lonsdale, J., Mau Mau and Nationhood: Arms, Authority and Narration (Ohio University Press, 2003) Kenya Information Sheet (Accessed 21st November) Eric W. Brown The Early Days of the Mau Mau Insurrection Jens Finke, Kikuyu Colonial History (Accessed December 2nd 2009) Coray, M., The Kenya Land Commission and the Kikuyu of Kiambu Agricultural History 52 (Jan 1978) [1]Grinker, R., Perspectives on Africa: A reader in culture, history and representation (Wiley-Blackwell 1997) pg. 654 [2]Coray, M., The Kenya Land Commission and the Kikuyu of Kiambu Agricultural History 52 (Jan 1978) pg. 179-93 [3] Kenya Information Sheet (Accessed 21st November) [4] Shaw, C., Colonial Inscriptions: Race, Sex and Class in Kenya (University of Minnesota Press, 1995) pg. 43 [5] Welch, C., Anatomy of Rebellion (SUNY Press, 1980) pg. 65-66 [6]Eric W. Brown The Early Days of the Mau Mau Insurrection [7] Ibid. [8] Ibid [9] Ibid. [10] Ibid. [11] Ibid. [12] Mwakikagile, G., Africa and the West (Nova Publishers, 2000) pp. 95 [13] Ibid. [14] Ibid. [15] Harcourt, W., Feminist Perspectives on Sustainable Development (Zed Books, 1994) pp. 133 [16] Furedi, F., The Mau Mau War in Perspective (James Currey Publisers, 1989) pp. 7 [17] Ibid. [18] Berman, B., and Lonsdale, J., Unhappy Valley: Conflict in Kenya and Africa (James Currey Publishers, 1992) pp. 446 [19] Jens Finke, Kikuyu Colonial History (Accessed December 2nd 2009) [20] Ibid. [21] Ibid. [22] Ibid. [23] Lonsdale, J., Foreword in Kershaw, G., Mau Mau from Below (Ohio University Press, 1997) [24] Clough, M., Mau Mau Memoirs: History, Memory and Politics (Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998) pp. 167 [25] Ibid. [26] Brown, The Early Days of the Mau Mau Insurrection [27] Odhiambo, E., and Lonsdale, J., Mau Mau and Nationhood: Arms, Authority and Narration (Ohio University Press, 2003) pp. 77

Analysis of C Language and Operators

Analysis of C Language and Operators Introduction In order to perform different kinds of operations, C uses different kinds of operators. An operator indicates an operation to be performed on data that yields a value. Using various operators in C one link the variables and constants. An operand is a data item on which operators perform the operations. C is rich in the use of different operators. C provides four classes of operators. They are 1) Arithmetic 2) Relational 3) Logical 4) Bitwise. Apart from these basic operators, C also supports additional operators. 3.1 Types of operators Type of Operator Symbolic Representation Arithmetic operators + , -, *, / and % Relational operators >,=. Logical operators , II and ! Increment and decrement operator ++ and Assignment operator = Bitwise operators ,I,, », «and Comma operator , Conditional operator ? : 3.2 PRIORITY OF OPERATORS AND THEIR CLUBBING Various relational operators have different priorities or precedence. If an arithmetic expression contains more operators then the execution will be performed according to their priorities. The precedence is set for different operators in C. List of operators with priority wise (hierarchical) are shown in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 List of operators with priority wise Operators Operation Clubbing Priority ( ) [ ] -> . Function call Array expression or square bracket Structure Operator Structure Operator Left to right 1st + ++ ! ~ * Sizeof type Unary plus Unary minus Increment Decrement Not operator Ones complement Pointer Operator Address operator Size of an object Type cast Right to Left 2nd * / % Multiplication Division Modular division Left to Right 3rd + Addition Subtraction Left to Right 4th >> Left shift Right Shift Left to Right 5th > >= Less than Less than or equal to Greater than Greater than or equal to Left to Right 6th == != Equality Inequality Left to Right 7th Bitwise AND Left to Right 8th ^ Bitwise XOR Left to Right 9th | Bitwise OR Left to Right 10th Logical AND Left to Right 11th || Logical OR Left to Right 12th ? : Conditional operator Right to Left 13th =,*=,-=, =,+=,^=, |=,>= Assignment operator Right to Left 14th , Comma operator Left to Right 15th 1) When two operators of the same priority are found in the expression, precedence is given to the extreme left operator. Example Example Example 3.3 COMMA AND CONDITIONAL OPERATOR 1) Comma operator (,) The comma operator is used to separate two or more expressions. The comma operator has the lowest priority among all the operators. It is not essential to enclose the expressions with comma operators within the parenthesis. For example the statements given below are valid. Example 2) Conditional operator (?) The conditional operator contains a condition followed by two statements or values. If the condition is true the first statement is executed otherwise the second statement. The conditional operator (?) and (:) are sometimes called ternary operators because they take three arguments. The syntax of conditional operator is as given below. Syntax Condition? (expression1): (expression2); Two expressions are separated by a colon. If the condition is true expression1 gets evaluated otherwise expression 2. The condition is always written before? Mark. Example Example 3.4 ARITHMETIC OPERATORS There are two types of arithmetic operators. They are 1) Binary Operator and 2) Unary Operator a) Binary operator Table 3.3 shows different arithmetic operators that are used in C. These operators are commonly used in most of the computer languages. These arithmetic operators are used for numerical calculations between the two constant values. They are also called as Binary Arithmetic Operators. The examples are also shown in the Table 3.3 In the program variables are declared instead of constants. Table 3.3 Arithmetic operators Arithmetic Operators Operator Explanation Examples + Addition 2+2=4 Subtraction 5-3=2 * Multiplication 2*5=10 / Division 10/2=5 % Modular Division 11%3=2 (Remainder 2) b) Unary Operators Unary operators are increment operator (++), decrement (- -) and minus (-) . These operators and their descriptions are given in the Table 3.4. Table 3.4 Unary arithmetic operators Operator Description or Action Minus ++ Increment Decrement Address Operator Size of Gives the size of variable a) Minus (-) Unary minus is used to indicate or change the algebraic sign of a value. b) Increment (++) Decrement () Operators The C compilers produce very fast efficient object codes for increment and decrement operations. This code is better than generated by using the equivalent assignment statement. So, increment and decrement operators should be used whenever possible. †¢ The operator ++ adds one to its operand. Whereas the operator subtracts one from its operand. For justification x=x+1 can be written as x++; and x=x-1; can be written as x;. Both these operators may either follow or precede the operand. That is, x=x+ 1; can be represented as x++; 01 ++x; If ++ or are used as a suffix to the variables name then the post increased / decreased operations take place. Consider an example for understanding ++ operator as a suffix to the variable. x=20; y=10; z=x*y++; In the above equation the current value of y is used for the product. The result is 200, which is assigned to z. After multiplication, the value of y is increased by one. If â€Å"++ or -â€Å"are used as a prefix to the variable name then pre increment/ decrement operations take place. Consider an example for understanding ++ operator as a prefix to the variable. x=20; y=10; z=x*++y; In the above equation the value of y is increased and then used for multiplication. The result is 220, which is assigned to z. The following programs can be executed for verification of increment and decrement operations. Example 3.4 Example 3.5 c) Size of 0 and Operator The size of ( ) operator gives the bytes occupied by a variable. The number of bytes occupied varies from variable to variable depending upon its dab types. The operator prints address of the variable in the memory. The example given below illustrates the use of both the operators. Example 3.6 3.5 RELATIONAL OPERATORS These operators are used to distinguish between two values depending on their relations. These operators provide the relationship between the two expressions. If the relation is true then it returns a value 1 otherwise 0 for false relation. The relational operators together with their descriptions, example and return value are described in Table 3.5. Table 3.5 Relational Operator Operators Description or Action Example Return Value > Greater than 5>4 1 >= Greater than equal to 11>=5 1 = = Equal to 2==3 0 ! = Not equal to 3!=3 0 The relational operators symbols are easy to understand. They are self-explanatory. However readers benefit a program is illustrated below. Example 3.7 Example 3.8 Example 3.9 Example 3.10 3.6 LOGICAL OPERATORS The logical relationship between the two expressions are checked with logical operators. Using these operators two expressions can be joined. After checking the conditions it provides logical true (1) or false (0) status. The operands could be constants, variables, and expressions. The Table 3.6 describes the three logical operators together with examples and their return values. Table 3.6 Logical Operators Operator Description or Action Example Return Value Logical AND 5>3 5 || Logical OR 8>5 || 8 ! Logical NOT 8 ! = 8 0 From the above table following rules can be followed for logical operators. 1) The logical AND ( ) operator provides true result when both expressions are true otherwise 0. 2) The logical OR (I I) operator provides true result when one of the expressions is true otherwise 0. 3) The logical NOT operator (!) provides 0 if the condition is true otherwise 1. Example 3.11 Example 3.12 Example 3.13 Example 3.14 Example 3.15 Example 3.16 3.7 BITWISE OPERATORS C supports a set of bitwise operators as listed in the Table 3.7. C supports six bit operators. These operators can operate only on integer operands such as int, char, short, long int etc. Table 3.7 Bitwise operators Operator Meaning >> Right shift ^ Bitwise xor (Exclusive OR) ~ Ones complement Bitwise AND | Bitwise OR Example 3.17 Example 3.18 Example 3.19 Example 3.20 Example 3.21 SUMMARY You have now studied the various operators such as arithmetic, logical and relational which are essential to write and execute programs. The precedence of the operators in the arithmetic operations furnished in the form of a table. The conditional comma operators and programs on them, also described in this chapter. You are made aware of the logical operators OR, AND and NOT. Full descriptions on bit wise operators have been illustrated. Numerous Simple examples have been provided to the users to understand the various operators. The reader is expected to write more programs on this chapter. EXCERSICES Answer the following questions. 1. Explain different types of operators available in C? 2. What are the uses of comma (,) and conditional (?) operators? 3. What are Unary operators and their uses? 4. Describe logical operators with their return values? 5. Distinguish between logical and bitwise operators. 6. What are the relational operators? 7. What is the difference between = and = = ‘? 8. What are the symbols used for a) OR b) AND c) XOR d) NOT operations? 9. Explain the precedence of operators in arithmetic operations? 10. List the operators from higher priority to least priority? 11. What is the difference between %f and %g? 12. What is the difference between division and modular division operations? 13. What are the ASCII codes? List the codes for digits 1 to 9, A to Z and a to z. We have already seen that individual constants, variables, array elements and function references joined together by various operators to form expressions. We have also mentioned that C includes a number of operators which fall into several different categories. In this chapter we examine certain of categories in detail. Specifically, we will see how arithmetic operators, unary operators, relational and logical operators, assignment operators and the conditional operator are used to form expressions. The data items that operators act upon are called operands. Some operators require two operands, while others act upon only one operand. Most operators allow the individual operands to be expressions. A few operator permit only single variables as operands (more about this later). 3.1 ARITHMETIC OPERATORS There are five arithmetic operators in C. They are Operator Purpose + addition subtraction * multiplication / division % remainder after integer division The %operator is sometimes referred to as the modulus operator. There is no exponentiation operator in C. However, there is a library function (pow) to carry out exponentiation (see Sec.3.6). The operands acted upon by arithmetic operators must represent numeric values. Thus, the operands can be integer quantities, floating-point quantities or characters (remember -that character constants represent integer values, as determined by the computers character set). The remainder operator (%) requires that both operands be integers and the second operand be nonzero. Similarly, the division operator (I) requires that the second operand be nonzero. Division of one integer quantity by another is referred to as integer division. This operation always results in a truncated quotient (i.e., the decimal portion of the quotient will be dropped). On the other hand if a division operation is carried out with two floating-point numbers, or with one floating-point number and one integer, the result will be a floating-point quotient. EXAMPLE 3.1 EXAMPLE 3.2 EXAMPLE 3.3 Operands that differ in type may undergo type conversion before the expression takes on its final value. In general, the final result will be expressed in the highest precision possible, consistent with the data types of the operands. The following rules apply when neither / operand is unsigned. 1. If both operands are floating-point types whose precisions differ (e.g., a float and a double), the lower precision operand will be converted to the precision of the other operand, and the result will be expressed in this higher precision. Thus, an operation between a float and a double will result in a double; a float and a long double will result in a long double; and a double and a long double will result in a long double. (Note: In some versions of C, all operands of type float are automatically converted to double.) 2. If one operand is a floating-point type (e.g., float, double or long double) and the other is a char or an int (including short int or long int), the char or int will be converted to the floating-point type and the result will be expressed as such. Hence, an operation between an int and a double will result in a double. 3. If neither operand is a floating-point type but one is a long int, the other will be converted to long int and the result will be long into Thus, an operation between a long int and an int will result in a long int. 4. If neither operand is a floating-point type or a long int, then both operands will be converted to int (if necessary) and the result will be into Thus, an operation between a short int and an int will result in an int. A detailed summary of these rules is given in Appendix D. Conversions involving unsigned operands are also explained in Appendix D. EXAMPLE 3.4 EXAMPLE 3.5 EXAMPLE 3.6 EXAMPLE 3.7 EXAMPLE 3.8 EXAMPLE 3.9 3.2 UNARY OPERATORS C includes a class of operators that act upon a single operand to produce a new value. Such operators are known as unary operators. Unary operators usually precede their single operands, though some unary operators are written after their operands. Perhaps the most common unary operation is unary minus, where a numerical constant, variable or expression is preceded by a minus sign. (Some programming languages allow a minus sign to be included as a part of a numeric constant. In C, however, all numeric constants are positive. Thus, a negative number is actually an expression, consisting of the unary minus operator, followed by a positive numeric constant.) Note that the unary minus operation is distinctly different from the arithmetic operator which denotes subtraction (-). The subtraction operator requires two separate-operands. 3.3 RELATIONALAND LOGICAL OPERATORS There are four relational operators in C. They are Operator Meaning > greater than >= greater than or equal to These operators all fall within the same precedence group, which is lower than the arithmetic and unary operators. The associatively of these operators is left to right. Closely associated with the relational operators are the following two equality operators. Operator Meaning == equal to != not equal to The equality operators fall into a separate precedence group, beneath the relational operators. These operators also have a left-to-right associatively. These six operators are used to form logical expressions, which represent conditions that are either true or false. The resulting expressions will be of type integer, since true is represented by the integer value 1 and false is represented by the value 0. EXAMPLE 3.15 EXAMPLE 3.16 EXAMPLE 3.17 EXAMPLE 3.18 EXAMPLE 3.19 EXAMPLE 3.20 3.4 ASSIGNMENT OPERATORS There are several different assignment operators in C. All of them are used to form assignment .expressions which assign the value of an expression to an identifier. The most commonly used assignment operator is = Assignment expressions that make use of this operator are written in the form identifier = expression where identifier generally represents a variable, and expression represents a constant, a variable or a more complex expression. EXAMPLE 3.21 Remember that the assignment operator = and the equality operator == are distinctly different. The assignment operator is used to assign a value to an identifier, whereas the equality operator is used to determine if two expressions have the same value. These operators cannot be used in place of one another. Beginning programmers often incorrectly use the assignment operator when they want to test for equality. This results in a logical error that is usually difficult to detect. Assignment expressions are often referred to as assignment statements, since they are usually written as complete statements. However, assignment expressions can also be written as expressions that are included within other statements (more about this in later chapters). If the two operands in an assignment expression are of different data types, then the value of the expression on the right (i.e., the right-hand operand) will automatically be converted to the type of the identifier on the left. The entire assignment expression will then be of this same data type. Under some circumstances this automatic type conversion can result in an alteration of the data being assigned. For example: A floating-point value may be truncated if assigned to an integer identifier. A double-precision value may be rounded if assigned to a floating-point (single-precision) identifier. An integer quantity may be altered if assigned to a shorter integer identifier or to a character identifier (some high-order bits may be lost). Moreover the value of a character constant assigned to a numeric-type identifier will be dependent upon the particular character set in use. This may result in inconsistencies from one version of C to another. The careless use of type conversions is a frequent source of error among beginning programmers. EXAMPLE 3.22 EXAMPLE 3.23 EXAMPLE 3.24 EXAMPLE 3.25 THE CONDITIONAL OPERATOR Simple conditional operations can be carried out with the conditional operator (? :). An expression that makes use of the conditional operator is called a conditional expression. Such an expression can be written in place of the more traditional if -else statement, which is discussed in Chap.6. A condition expression is written in the form expression 1 ? expression 2 : expression 3 When evaluating a conditional expression, expression 1 is evaluated first. If expression 1 is true (i.e., if, its value is nonzero), then expression 2 is evaluated and this becomes the value of the conditional expression. However, if expression 1 is false (i.e., if its value is zero),then expression 3 is evaluated and this becomes the value of the conditional expression. Note that only one of the embedded expressions (either expression 2 or expression 3) is evaluated when determining the value of a conditional expression. EXAMPLE 3.26 EXAMPLE 3.27 EXAMPLE 3.28 EXAMPLE 3.29 LIBRARY FUNCTIONS The C language is accompanied by a number of library functions that carry out various commonly used operations or calculations. These library functions are not a part of the language per se, though all implementations of the language include them. Some functions return a data item to their access point; others indicate whether a condition is true or false by returning a 1 or a 0, respectively; still others carry out specific operations on data items but do not return anything. Features which tend to be computer-dependent are generally written as library functions. For example, there are library functions that carry out standard input/output operations (e.g., read and write characters, read and write numbers, open and close files, test for end of file, etc.), functions that perform operations on characters (e.g., convert from lower- to uppercase, test to see if a character is uppercase, etc.), and function that perform operations on strings (e.g., copy a string, compare strings, concatenate strings, etc.), and functions that carry out various mathematical calculations (e.g., evaluate trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions, compute absolute values, square roots, etc.). Other kinds of library functions are also available. Library functions that are functionally similar are usually grouped together as (compiled) object programs in separate library files. These library files are supplied as a part of each C compiler. All C compilers contain similar groups of library functions, though they lack precise standardization. Thus there may be some variation in the library functions that are available in different versions of the language. A typical set of library functions will include a fairly large number of functions that are common to most C compilers such as those shown in Table 3-2 below. Within this table, the column labeled type refers to the data type of the quantity that is returned by the function. The void entry shown for function srand indicates that nothing is returned by this function. A more extensive list, which includes all of the library functions that appear in the programming examples presented in this book, is shown in Appendix H. For complete list, see the programmers reference manual that accompanies your particular version of C. A library function is accessed simply by writing the function name, followed by a list of arguments that represent information being passed to the function. The arguments must be enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. The arguments can be constants, variable names, or more complex expressions. The parentheses must be present, even if there are no arguments. A function that returns a data item can appear anywhere within an expression, in place of a constant or an identifier(i.e., in place of a variable or an array element). A function that carries out operations on data items but does not return anything can be accessed simply by writing the function name, since this type of function reference constitutes an expression statement. Table 3-2 Some Commonly Used Library Functions Function Type Purpose abs(i) Int Return the absolute value of i. ceil(d) double Round up to the next integer value (the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to d). cos(d) double Return the cosine of d. cosh (d) double Return the hyperbolic cosine of d. exp (d) double Raise e to the power d (e =2.7182818. .. is the base of the natural (Naperian) system of logarithms). fabs (d) double Return the absolute value of d. floor (d) double Round down to the next integer value (the largest integer that does not exceed d). fmod (d1,d2) double Return the remainder (i.e., the noninteger part of the quotient) of d1/d2, with same sign as d1. getchar () int Enter a character from the standard input device. log (d) double Return the natural logarithm of d. pow (d1,d2) double Return d1 raised to the d2 power. printf(†¦) int Send data items to the standard output device (arguments are complicated see Chap. 4). pitcher  © int Send a character to the standard output device rand ( ) int Return a random positiv e integer. sin (d) double Return the sine of d. sqrt (d) double Return the square root of d. srand (u) void Initialize the random number generator. scanf(†¦) int Enter data items from the standard input device (arguments are complicated see Chap. 4). tan (d) double Return the tangent of d. toascii  © int Convert value of argument to ASCII. tolower  © int Convert letter to lowercase toupper  © int Convert letter to uppercase. Note: Type refers to the data type of the quantity that is returned by the function. c denotes a character-type argument i denotes an integer argument d denotes a double-precision argument u denotes an unsigned integer argument EXAMPLE 3.30 EXAMPLE 3.31 Review Questions 1. What is an expression? What are its components? 2. What is an operator? Describe several different types of operators that are included in C. 3. What is an operand? What is the relationship between operators and operands? 4. Describe the five arithmetic operators in C. Summarize the rules associated with their use. 5. Summarize the rules that apply to expressions whose operands are of different types. 6. How can the value of an expression be converted to a different data type? What is this called? 7. What is meant by operator precedence? What are the relative precedence’s of the arithmetic operators? 8. What is meant by associativity? What is the associativity of the arithmetic operators? 9. When should parentheses be included within an expression? When should the use of parentheses be avoided. 10. In what order are the operations carried out within an expression that contains nested parentheses? 11. What are unary operators? How many operands are associated with a unary op erator? 12. Describe the six unary operators discussed in this chapter. What is the purpose of each? 13. Describe two different ways to utilize the increment and decrement operators. How do the two method differ? 14. What is the relative precedence of the unary operators compared with the arithmetic operators? What is their associativity? 15. How can the number of bytes allocated to each data type be determined for a particular C compiler? 16. Describe the four relational operators included in C. With what type of operands can they be used? What type of expression is obtained? 17. Describe the two equality operators included in C. How do they differ from the relational operators? 18. Describe the two logical operators included in C. What is the purpose of each? With what type of operands can they be used? What type of expression is obtained? 19. What are the relative precedence’s of the relational, equality and logical operators with respect to one another and with respect to the arithmetic and unary operators? What are their associativities? 20. Describe the logical not (logical negation) operator. What is its purpose? Within which precedence group is it included? How many operands does it require? What is its associativity? 21. Describe the six assignment operators discussed in this chapter. What is the purpose of each? 22. How is the type of an assignment expression determined when the two operands are of different data types? In what sense is this situation sometimes a source of programming errors? 23. How can multiple assignments be written in C? In what order will the assignments be carried out? 24. What is the precedence of assignment operators relative to other operators? What is their associativity? 25. Describe the use of the conditional operator to form conditional expressions. How is a conditional expression evaluated? 26. How is the type of a conditional expression determined when its operands differ in type? 27. How can the conditional op erator be combined with the assignment operator to form an if -else type statement? 28. What is the precedence of the conditional operator relative to the other operators described in this chapter? What is its associativity? 29. Describe, in general terms, the kinds of operations and calculations that are carried out by the C library functions. 30. Are the library functions actually a part of the C language? Explain. 31. How are the library functions usually packaged within a C compiler? 32. How are library functions accessed? How is information passed to a library function from the access point? 33. What are arguments? How are arguments written? How is a call to a library function written if there are no arguments? 34. How is specific information that may be required by the library functions stored? How is this information entered into a C program? 35. In what general category do the #define and #include statements fall? INTRODUCTION C supports a rich set of operators. We have already used several of them, such as =, +. -, *, and, C operators can be classified into a number of categories. They include: 1. Arithmetic operators. 2. Relational operators. 3. Logical operators. 4. Assignment operators. 5. Incrementand decrement operators. 6. Conditional operators. 7. Bitwiseoperators. 8. Speciaolperators. 3.2 ARITHMETIC OPERATORS C provides all the basic arithmetic operators. They are listed in Table 3.1. The operators +, -, * and I all work the same way as they do in other languages. These can operate on any built-in data type allowed in C. The unary minus operator, in effect, multiplies its single operand by -1. Therefore, a number preceded by a minus sign changes its sign. Table 3.1 Arithmetic Operators Operator Meaning + Addition or unary plus Subtraction or unary minus * Multiplication / Division % Modulo division Integer division truncates any fractional part. The modulo division produces the remainder of an integer division. Examples of arithmetic operators are: a – b a + b a * b a / b a % b -a * b Here a and b are variables and are known as operands. The modulo division operator % cannot be used on floating point data. Note that C does not have an operator for exponentiation. Older versions of C does not support unary plus but ANSI C supports it. Integer Arithmetic When both the operands in a single arithmetic expression such as a+b are integers, the expression is called an integer expression, and the operation is called integer arithmetic. Integer arithmetical ways yields an integer value. The largest integer value depends on the machine, as pointed out earlier. In the above examples, if a and b are integers, then for a = 14 and b = 4 we have the following results: a b = 10 a + b = 18 a*b=56 a / b = 3 (decimal part truncated) a % b = 2 (remainder of division) During integer division, if both the operands are of the same sign, the result is truncated towards zero. If one of them is negative, the direction of truncation is implementation dependent. That is, 6/7 = 0 and -6/-7 = 0 but -6/7 may be zero or -1. (Machine dependent) Similarly, during modulo division, the sign of the result is always the sign of the first operand (the dividend.) That is -14 % 3 = -2 -14 % -3 = -2 14 % -3 = 2 EXAMPLE 3.1 Real Arithmetic An arithmetic operation involving only real operands is called eal arithmetic. A real operand may assume values either in decimal or exponential notation. Since floating point values are rou