Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Indispensability of Business Simulation Exercise Essay

The Indispensability of Business Simulation Exercise - Essay Example The team has not worked well as it was expected to. There has been a lack of cohesion, lack of a collective attitude and members have rarely communicated to share on individuals’ progress and challenges that have faced them in the simulation process. We have also lacked identifiable qualities of good teams that perform collectively. The group’s inability to merge its potentials eliminated positive effects of diversity, effects that promote collaborative work towards successful outputs. This means that our individual output levels have been less than the level of quality that we could have achieved had we incorporated ourselves into a single group and explored our knowledge for completing the simulation (Belbin 2012, n.p). The lack of teamwork also undermined interdependence for encouragements and motivation (A & amp; C Black 2009, 14- 15). The team’s weak collectiveness also identifies communication challenges as a barrier to cohesion. This is because the team me mbers have never communicated with each other. Only one member has been effective in communication. Lack of interest in each other’s contribution, poor attitudes, and cultural differences are possible causes of the realized poor communication into a less collective team (Means 2009, p. 12). The team did not illustrate significant signs of strength because even its existence was not felt in facilitating its objective. It however communicated diversified weaknesses that range from leadership, managerial and communication inefficiencies. Poor communication was a major factor because members, except one person, did not make efforts to consult with other team members on the simulation’s scope.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Oxfam Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Oxfam - Assignment Example In all that Oxfam does, the organization regards the contribution of partner organizations as essential and the inclusion of susceptible men and women inevitable to bring the injustices that underlie poverty to an end. Oxfam’s Geneva office bears the same objectives – to alleviate poverty (Oxfam, 1). This paper introduces the specific activities endowed to the Geneva, Switzerland offices in the collective goal of poverty reduction. In addition, this paper highlights the different ways through which Oxfam interacts with partner organizations and works with poor people to achieve its objective. Oxfam’s Geneva offices are advocacy offices that work towards influencing key organizations from various parts of the world to take part in poverty alleviation. Oxfam Geneva approaches and interacts with organizations such as WTO, UNHCR, ICRC, UNCTAD, and OCHA, directly and indirectly. Oxfam also incorporates Geneva based civil society organizations and groups in its activities. The structure of the Geneva, Switzerland offices allow the organization to assess and develop strategies regarding global humanitarian matters, in specific humanitarian system development, disaster risk minimization, and global reactions to disasters and humanitarian crises in which the organization takes part on the ground. Other activities that take place in the Geneva offices include lobbying and development of an alliance to support agriculture and food security, access to medications, and climate change. Additionally, Oxfams Geneva offices conduct petitioning at the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerning poverty alleviation (Oxfam,